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The Importance of Fireworks Safety

Fireworks can be a lot of fun. They look eye-catching and striking. They’re festive. What’s not to like? But if you’re going to be anywhere around them, you have to understand the immense value of safety. Improper handling of fireworks could lead to all sorts of serious injuries and lasting consequences such as eye trauma and burns. It’s important to take the time to learn how to stay safe and happy in the presence of fireworks.

Know Local Regulations

Knowledge is power. It’s also safety. Make a point to understand and abide by any and all local rules and regulations that relate to fireworks use. It’s just as critical to understand the specific types of fireworks you have in your possession. Read all labels and warnings before igniting any fireworks.

Understand That Children Should Not Use Fireworks

Children should never manage or handle fireworks of any kind. Sparklers, rockets and firecrackers can all pose severe hazards, reaching temperatures up to 1,800°F. Adults should closely monitor all events that involve fireworks. If you’re searching for a safe alternative for kids, you should try glow sticks or try visiting a public fireworks display instead.

Avoid Mixing Alcohol Consumption with Fireworks

You should not consume alcohol any time you’re around fireworks. Fireworks are dangerous enough without the use of alcohol. A large majority of accidents caused by fireworks are directly related to improper use or handling, and alcohol consumption can increase these risks. If you want to have a drink, do so once the display is 100 percent complete. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

Be Mindful

Never light fireworks indoors. Refrain from directing fireworks toward residences at all times. Make sure you never have fireworks close to leaves, brush or flammable substances. Remember, fireworks cause a significant number of fires on an annual basis.

Think Carefully About Your Fireworks Purchases

Exclusively purchase consumer fireworks that are legal and sold through a licensed business. Acceptable legal fireworks are usually equipped with labels that are hard to miss. These labels often include details that relate to the brand and potential hazards. They frequently include information regarding correct use, too.

Make Fireworks Safety Gear a Top Priority

You should never impulsively or spontaneously ignite any fireworks. You should wear a sturdy pair of safety glasses to help protect your eyes and vision. Refrain from ever placing fireworks inside of your pockets as friction can sometimes cause them to ignite. Last but not least, refrain from wearing clothing that’s too loose.

Proper Disposal of Fireworks

Properly dispose of your fireworks by submerging them in a bucket of water. Once they’ve soaked overnight, you can place them in your normal household garbage cans.

Always have a bucket of water or fire extinguisher nearby. Make sure know how to properly operate your fire extinguisher in case of emergency.

Contact Life Coast Today for More Information

Don’t let fireworks take the fun out of your holiday! Stay safe and be responsible this 4th of July by following the tips above.

If you or a loved one is injured by fireworks, seek medical attention immediately.

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